Question yourself
Dearest Reader,Thank you for looking into this obscure little post.
As always I will keep it short and make sure not to waste much of your time, while trying to give a good science fiction perspective on things.
By far my most favourite religions are the ones that see religion as one uniform line, progressing from an end with no clear beginning unto an end with no clear ending. They see a certain period named as “Christianity”, another one named as “Islam”, and yet another one named as “Buddhism”(using the most popular names is purely for easier reliability; there are more than 4000 religions out there). The message changes and evolves based on the needs of the time and a certain central figure is needed for those busy enough not to allow enough time to think and reflect on things(I am also guilty of this). Just looking at the practical terms, this eradicates any form of fundamentalism as it automatically counters any form of attachment to an excessive idea…such as prophet A,B or C being an ultimate prophet for humanity for all time. As cliché as it sounds, we all see the consequences of this. A better religion would take that into account while making fun with itself and pointing out the holes in it’s plot. Which is also very practical as it will nurture a more detached method of observation and create a more critically thinking “followers”(for a want of a better word).
American mindfulness is a capitalistic excess that just serves the busy times and provides a quick-on-the-go solution to creatures with messy feelings, such as we are(try and deny it). The so-perceived roots of this type of…”mindfulness” are supposed to be Buddhist in nature, but they are just born from an urgent need for reprieve in a society that has expanded too quickly without realizing the consequences of this. After all, scientific knowledge does double every ten years, but collective societal wisdom is still scarcely encountered. The notion that one is “ok” with oneself as they are can be destructive as it could slowly takes away the need to evolve the mindset. Psychologically, one can reduce oneself easily to just a set of pre-learned behavioural responses without questioning oneself. The changes begin subtly and continue on, until “spirituality” becomes a mockery of it’s former self. In fact, old Chinese philosophers, or any philosophers at all, will see this is a dangerous path; even the first Buddha(or Jesus for that matter). Another notion that we have to ridicule is the gymnastics of the new age, A.K.A. yoga. Very little of the old philosophy is to be found in the new age thing of relieving stress with some pre-constructed idea that getting sweaty elevates you spiritually. It does make you feel good, but I think it’s the responsibility of everyone practising such gymnastics to keep themselves reminded that this can only help so much. In other words, it’s a very small piece in a very big puzzle.
A better mindfulness would reflect on the insignificance of the single human and potential of the collective humanity. A cosmic religion and a global, open mindset would put ideas to more scrutiny, apply more humour to rigid thinking and seek easier, more practical ways to nurture the spiritual/social need of individuals within the collective.
We’re still learning.
Thank you.